Since paper books don’t lend themselves very well to large lists of links, you can find the complete list of references from Hallo robot below, including links to the relevant sources.
Chapter 1
- ‘Meet Mr. Robot – Not Forgetting His Master’, The Age, 20 september 1935
- J.S. Brown,‘Toy Automaton’, U.S. Patent 40891, 8 december 1863
- Helen Greiner,‘Time for robots to get real’, New Scientist, 18 januari 2012
- Erico Guizzo, ‘Hiroshi Ishiguro: The Man Who Made a Copy of Himself’, IEEE Spectrum, 2010
- Bennie Mols, ‘(Kunst)matige intelligentie’, VPRO Gids, 6 juni 2015
- Michael E. Moran, ‘The da Vinci robot’, Journal of Endourology, 2006
- David Whitehouse, ‘Japanese develop “female” android’, BBC News, 27 juli 2005
- The official website of the RoboCup Humanoid League
- ‘Bina 48 meets Bina Rothblatt – Part One’, The LifeNaut Project, via YouTube
Chapter 2
- Zachary Davies Boren, ‘Robot With Artificial Tongue Can Appreciate Fine Wine Better Than Humans’, International Business Times, 23 september 2014
- Louise Dewast, ‘Government Robots Will Decide If Your Thai Food Tastes Right’, ABC News, 30 september 2014
- Rik Nijland, ‘Niet langer alleen op de ogen vertrouwen’, Wageningen World, 31 mei 2011
- Seymour A. Papert, ‘The Summer Vision Project’, Memo AIM100, MIT AI Lab, 1966
- Malika Sevil, ‘Elektronische neus van AMC ruikt longziekte’, Het Parool, 5 juli 2017
- Benjamin C.K. Tee et al, ‘A skin-inspired organic digital mechanoreceptor’, Science, 2015
- Jianxiong Xiao et al., ‘Sun database: Large-scale scene recognition from abbey to zoo’, IEEE Conference on computer vision and pattern recognition, 2010
- ‘SCRATCHbot – A Rat like Robot’, Razor Robotics, via YouTube
- MIT Scene Recognition Demo, MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
- ‘Quipt: Taming Industrial Robots’,
- ‘Researchers improve automated recognition of human body movements in videos’,, 8 juni 2015
- ‘ICEA: scratchbot (2006-2009)’, Bristol Robotics Laboratory
- ‘Place and scene recognition from video’, University of British Columbia
Chapter 3
- Joseph Guinto, ‘Machine Man: Rodney Brooks’, Boston Magazine, 28 oktober 2014
- Bennie Mols, ‘Gered door een robot’, NRC Handelsblad, 8 juni 2013
- Bennie Mols, ‘Totaalvoetbal op wielen’, I/O Magazine, september 2012
- Regan Morris, ‘Why the ‘cute robots’ don’t work for Rodney Brooks’, BBC News, 17 november 2015
- Joanne Pransky, ‘The essential interview: Rodney Brooks, Founder of Rethink Robotics’, Robotics Business Review, 12 februari 2015
Chapter 4
- Bob Malone, ‘George Devol: A Life Devoted to Invention, and Robots’, IEEE Spectrum, 2011
- George Munson, ‘The First Industrial Robot: Why It Failed’, Robotics Business Review, 2012
- Jeremy Pearce, ‘Joseph F. Engelberger, a Leader of the Robot Revolution, Dies at 90’, The New York Times, 2015
Chapter 5
- Marcel van Engelen, Interview met Luc Steels, Vrij Nederland, juli 2015
- Joshua Hartshorne, ‘Where are the talking robots?’, Scientific American Mind, 2011
- Will Knight, ‘AI’s Language Problem’, MIT Technology Review, 2016
- Tyrus L. Manuel, ‘Creating a Robot Culture: An Interview with Luc Steels’, IEEE Intelligent Systems, 2003
- Jean-Pierre Martens, ‘Spraaksynthese: van tekst naar spraak’, Kennislink, 2008
- Erica Renckens, ‘Het luisterend oor van de computer’, Kennislink, 2016
Chapter 6
- Joseph Bates, ‘The Role of Emotion in Believable Agents’, Communications of the ACM, 1994
- Cynthia Breazeal en Rodney Brooks, ‘Robot Emotion: a Functional Perspective’, Who needs emotions?, 2005
- Cynthia Breazeal, ‘Emotion and sociable humanoid robots’, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 2003
- Rafael Calvo, Sidney D’Mello, Jonathan Gratch en Arvid Kappas, The Oxford Handbook of Affective Computing, Oxford Library of Psychology, 2014
- Antonio Damasio, Descartes’ Error: Emotion, Reason, and the Human Brain, Putnam Publishing, 1994
- Eva Hudlicka, ‘To feel or not to feel: The role of affect in human-computer interaction’, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 2003
- Marvin Minsky, The Emotion Machine: Commonsense Thinking, Artificial Intelligence, and the Future of the Human Mind, Simon & Schuster, 2006
- Andrew Ortony, Gerald L. Clore en Allan Collins, The Cognitive Structure of Emotions, Cambridge University Press, 1988
- Rosalind W. Picard, Affective Computing, MIT Press, 1997.
- Daniel J. Rea, James E. Young en Pourang Irani, ‘The Roomba mood ring: an ambient-display robot’, Proceedings of the seventh annual ACM/IEEE international conference on Human-Robot Interaction, 2012; bijbehorende video
- David Hanson, ‘Robots that “show emotion”’, TED, 2009.
- ‘A Dog Tail for Robots’ (2013), University of Manitoba
- JIBO, ‘The World’s First Social Robot for the Home’, IndieGogo
Chapter 7
- Isaac Asimov, I, robot, 1950
- Lisanne Bainbridge, ‘Ironies of Automation’, Automatica, 1983
- Patrick Collinson, ‘Pilotless planes: what you need to know’, The Guardian, 7 augustus 2017
- ‘Robots’, speciale editie van De Psycholoog, november 2015
- ‘“ Gods” Make Comeback at Toyota as Humans Steal Jobs From Robots’, Bloomberg, april 2014
- Bennie Mols, ‘Hoe meer automatisering, hoe crucialer de mens’, New Scientist (Nederlandse editie), november 2013
- Matt O’Sullivan, ‘The untold story of QF72: What happens when “psycho” automation leaves pilots powerless?’, The Sydney Morning Herald, mei 2017
Chapter 8
- Elizabeth Blair, ‘The Challenge Of “Big Hero 6”: How To Make A Huggable Robot’, NPR, 7 november 2014
- Leah Burrows, ‘The first autonomous, entirely soft robot’, The Harvard Gazette, 24 augustus 2016
- ‘DARPA Helps Paralyzed Man Feel Again Using a Brain-Controlled Robotic Arm’,, 13 oktober 2016
- Thomas Geijtenbeek, Michiel van de Panne en Frank van der Stappen, ‘Flexible muscle-based locomotion for bipedal creatures’, ACM Transactions on Graphics, 2013; bijbehorende video
- Elliot W. Hawkes, Laura H. Blumenschein, Joseph D. Greer en Allison M. Okamura, ‘A soft robot that navigates its environment through growth’, Science Robotics, 2017
- Carmel Majidi, ‘Soft robotics: a perspective—current trends and prospects for the future’, Soft Robotics, 2014
- Michael Wehner et al, ‘An integrated design and fabrication strategy for entirely soft, autonomous robots’, Nature, 2016
- Huichan Zhao et al, ‘Optoelectronically innervated soft prosthetic hand via stretchable optical waveguides’, Science Robotics, 2016
- BEAM Reference Library
- Hugh Herr, ‘The new bionics that let us run, climb and dance’, TED, 2014
- ‘Meet Soft Robotics, Inc.’, 2017, via YouTube
Chapter 9
- Robert Full, ‘Robots inspired by cockroach ingenuity’, TED, 2002
- Robert Full, ‘Learning from the gecko’s tail’, TED, 2009
- Robert Full, ‘The secrets of nature’s grossest creatures, channeled into robots’, TED, 2014
- Peter Menzel en Faith D’Aluisio, Robo Sapiens – Evolution of a new species, MIT Press, 2001
Chapter 10
- Angus Chen, ‘Heads up for the gathering robot swarm’, Science News, 2014
- Michael Rubenstein, Alejandro Cornejo en Radhika Nagpal, ‘Programmable self-assembly in a thousand-robot swarm’, Science, 2014
- RobotTrainer, Serge de Beer
- ‘Designing Collective Behavior in a Termite-Inspired Robotic Construction Team’, Harvard University, via YouTube
- ‘Swarmanoid, the movie’, Mauro Birattari, via YouTube
- ‘Symbiotic evolutionary robot organisms (SYMBRION)’, University of Bristol
- ‘High-Speed Robots Part 1: Meet BettyBot in “Human Exclusion Zone” Warehouses, WIRED, via YouTube
- Radhika Nagpal, ‘Taming the swarm – Collective Artificial Intelligence’, TEDxBermuda, 2015
- ‘A Compilation of Robots Falling Down at the DARPA Robotics Challenge’, IEEE Spectrum, via YouTube
Chapter 11
- Craig A. Anderson en Brad J. Bushman, ‘Effects of violent video games on aggressive behavior, aggressive cognition, aggressive affect, physiological arousal, and prosocial behavior: A meta-analytic review of the scientific literature’, Psychological Science, 2001
- ‘Asilomar AI Principles’, Future of Life Institute
- Isaac Asimov, ‘The Three Laws’, Compute! Magazine, Issue 18, 1981
- Rodney Brooks, ‘Unexpected Consequences of Self Driving Cars’, 2017
- Boer Deng, ‘The Robot’s Dilemma’, Nature, 2015
- Tobias Greitemeyer en Dirk O. Mügge, ‘Video Games Do Affect Social Outcomes’, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 2014
- Zoe Kleinman, ‘“Harmful” robot aims to spark AI debate’, BBC News, 13 juni 2016
- ‘Principles of robotics’, EPSRC-website
- Alexander Reben, ‘Cool Hunting’, via YouTube
- Noel Sharkey, Aimee van Wynsberghe, Scott Robbins en Eleanor Hancock, ‘Our Sexual Future with Robots’, A Foundation for Responsible Robotics Consultation Report, 2017
- Sherry Turkle, ‘Connected, but alone?’, TED, 2012
- Sherry Turkle, Alone Together – Why we expect more from technology and less from each other, Basic Books, 2011
- A.I. is a crapshoot, TV Tropes
- Alan Winfield, ‘Responsible robotics (And what not to worry about)’, lezing in De Balie, Amsterdam, 21 april 2015
- Alan Winfield, ‘Towards an Ethical Robot’, 30 augustus 2014
- Alan Winfield, ‘The Gift’, 29 december 2016
Chapter 12
- AI100, ‘“Artificial Intelligence and Life in 2030.” One Hundred Year Study on Artificial Intelligence: Report of the 2015-2016 Study Panel’, Stanford University, september 2016
- Nick Bostrom en Rebecca Roache, ‘Ethical Issues in Human Enhancement’, New Waves in Applied Ethics, 2008
- Ross D. King, ‘Rise of the Robo Scientists’, Scientific American, januari 2011
- Aimee Mullins, ‘My 12 pairs of legs’, TED, 2009
- Jonathan Rossiter, ‘Robotics, Smart Materials, and Their Future Impact for Humans’, BBVA Open Mind, 2017
- Michael Shermer, ‘Artificial Intelligence Is Not a Threat – Yet’, Scientific American, 1 maart 2017
- Alan Turing, ‘Computing Machinery and Intelligence’, Mind, 1950
- Bruno van Wayenburg, ‘Kijken: zo werken de molecuulmachines van Nobelprijswinnaar Ben Feringa’,, 9 december 2016
- Alan Winfield, ‘Artificial intelligence will not turn into a Frankenstein’s monster’, The Guardian, 10 augustus 2014
Recommended reading
- George Bekey, Autonomous Robots − From Biological Inspiration to Implementation and Control, MIT Press, 2005
- Jack Copeland, Artificial Intelligence – A Philosophical Introduction, Wiley-Blackwell, 1993
- Martin Ford, De opkomst van robots, Uitgeverij Q, 2016
- Maja Matarić, The Robotics Primer, MIT Press, 2007
- Peter Menzel en Faith D’Aluisio, Robo Sapiens – Evolution of a new species, MIT Press 2001
- Bennie Mols, Turings Tango – Waarom de mens de computer de baas blijft, Nieuw Amsterdam, 2012
- Lisa Nocks, The Robot − The Life Story of a Technology, Greenwood Press, 2007
- Lambèr Royakkers, Floortje Daemen en Rinie van Est, Overal robots – Automatisering van de liefde tot de dood, Rathenau Instituut, 2012
- Bram Vermeer, Bennie Mols en Bas den Hond, Robotics for Future Presidents, TU Delft Robotics Institute, 2016
- Bram Vermeer, Bennie Mols, Karin van den Boogaert, Jaco Boer en Bas den Hond, Leven met robots, multimediaal e-boek, Uitgeverij Oostenwind, 2016
- Robert Went, Monique Kremer & André Knottnerus (red.), De robot de baas, WRR, 2015
- Alan Winfield, Robotics – A very short introduction, Oxford University Press, 2012